
Monologue : Breakthroughs

Can you spot me? Heh.

Finally got some time on my hands to write out a personal-personal blogpost. Despite this very extremely stressful week... in a nutshell, it started with a meltdown, a technical assessment on violin, long rehearsals and intense practicing, I think my week is coming along quite well.

We had a reeeeeeally good orchestra concert about two days ago! When I say "we", I actually meant my classmates and orchestra colleagues. We performed for the Wagner & Verdi concert at the Wellington Town Hall on Tuesday night, 28th May. If this sounds familiar, you would probably recall seeing the many posters stuck on walls, lamp posts around town, with the words NZSM Orchestra written on it! (Feeling special moment)

Rehearsals were gruelling and intense but they were all worth it when orchestra members were giving each other knowing looks and smirks piece after piece. Heh.

On to the next thing, I finally did my first shoot outdoors in Wellington! 
I had the hardest time flipping my hair away from my face because it was super windy! Well, Wellington is one of the windiest capitals in the world! It was a lovely sunny day though, I would so have the sun+wind combination over pouring rain, as winter is just around the corner.

Got this dress from Supre, in my size too! I'm super happy about it. Probably the only shop here that sells stuff in 3XS. Hehe
I'm slowly expanding my wardrobe here, more and more cold clothes. I check  the weather forecast on my iPhone all the time now. And looking at Malaysia's weather forecast, I think I might just melt after stepping out of the airport.

Besides getting  a great deal on airplane tickets back home end of the year from Singapore Airlines,
 another breakthrough last week was that Doug and I finally got a rice cooker! It's a big deal, okay... Living abroad made me try to be all smart and ignore having rice, like how I did every day in KL. Which was pretty bad - and fattening. What I totally forgot was that porridge was a huge part of my diet there as well... and seeing as the weather is so cold all the time, a steaming bowl of porridge is definitely in order.

 Even before flying here, I was majorly paranoid when people *ahem you all know who you are* were condemning me to the pits of FATNESS because of all the rich food, etc. How do I not be scared that I'd gain weight like what everyone's been telling me? Not to mention, again and again and again and again like a broken record. -_- Anyway, I think porridge, rye bread and other healthy things I've been eating make it less of a hassle for me to watch my body/weight.

Other than that, it's exams period right now, then waiting for the mid semester break to come. More practices, more studying, more rehearsals... and most importantly,
more updates soon!

Photos credit to Wellington Portraits Photography.

Ashley Mah


  1. nice shots... as beautiful as always. Are u the one from the center right third row from the front playing the violin one?

  2. i cannot spot u. too small ad. haha very nice photos btw!

  3. Henry Lee : Haha on the left, behind the opera singer. :) And thank you! Can't wait to come home and catch up with you guys! <3
    Henry Tan : Thank you very much!!
