
Monologue : Oh the embarrassment!

It was a loooong weekend indeed. 

After the Halloween party by Carlsberg and Jagermeister, my weekend was far from over

The weekend goes into a 180 degree change and before I knew it, it was a Sunday afternoon, and I was in my long red gown, performing classical music at my violin recital at my music school in Puchong.

Firstly, all the clubbing music I've been listening to the past two days just flew out of the window when I was up onstage in front of parents, and other students. It was just me, Bach, Stravinsky and Schumann.

It was the most horrible recital in the entire universe.
Embarrassing especially! Not only did my playing sounded rather awful, which I think it always is.. My dress made me feel so uncomfortable that day, no idea why.
 And almost tripped over my long skirt a few times that day. Not gonna lie, but there were a few mistakes here and there. Think my teacher would have gone berserk if it weren't for her cool composure.

My problems don't stop there. There was a bug that decided to be IN the building, fly around, and landed on my HEAD. Had to tell myself not to freak out while trying to concentrate. Obviously I was distracted and when there was a longer rest in a particular bar, I smoothed my hair in the hopes of having the bug to get the hell away from my head. 
Good news : no more bug. 
Bad news : distracted and got lost in the passage for 0.2 seconds.

Oh the embarrassment! All the mistakes I don't usually make from hours of practice manifested during the recital! I felt so horrible. It was godawful. Oh yeah. The entire thing was recorded on camera!

 Had ran out of the studio right after bowing and gracefully getting down from the stage, into my car, and sped home. *shakes head*


At least now I know how to handle such distraction during a recital or my exam itself, that's the only positive way I can look at it. Plus, I guess what I learnt from this incident was that anything crazy could happen - even during a classical performance. Hence, I should be more prepared next time!

 Same red gown worn at my cousin's wedding dinner earlier this year..

Ps. still don't know how on earth a flying bug could get into the studio.. which was upstairs, of a shop lot. Stupid bug. Pfft.

 Ashley Mah

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