
Day Out at the Wellington Botanic Garden

The other day, Shu Run and I had a lovely day out at the Botanic Garden. It was only slightly sunny, but the weather was nice enough to walk among the roses and trees.

There's a nice quaint cafe located in the heart of the Botanic Garden, called the Picnic cafe. Was just the right place to start our day with a cup of hot chocolate. They've a lineup of pretty good food as well, not super hearty food, but just nice for bites. 

This was the Begonia House, housing over hundreds of displays. Look at all the pretty colours!

 Really loving my new outfit from Supre, my most favorite shop in Wellington at the moment. The top was a cropped hoodie top, and the shorts were printed high-waisted ones. These pieces definitely can't be found in KL.

I still can't believe we've reunited after all these years, Shu Run and myself. We go waaaaay back in Form 1, when we were 13, and running around in Taekwondo class in Secondary School. She's such a gem. <3

I'm not usually a big fan of flowers or bouquets, but these ones are quite appealing!

This fabulous lily pond featured two kinds of lilies. There were purple ones and white ones.

My most favorite part of the Begonia House was the lily pond. I love how it breathes serenity to the atmosphere... (feeling all zen now).

I enjoy the sight of lily pads floating on the water surface, like how you'd see in most pictures.... unless there was a frog sitting on top of one of the lily pads, I would turn into the female version of The Flash for a few secs. Okay,no frogs, just pretty floating lily pads and fishes. (zen mode back on)

I've also gone to the Lady Norwood Rose Garden, displaying a huge range of roses in their beds.

 I'd imagine that the roses would look heaps better in spring, also because Wellington was having a drought at that time, so some of the roses were wilted, unfortunately. I still think that there were pretty ones though.

Red roses reminded me of the scene in Alice of Wonderland, where the cards were singing the "Painting the Roses Red" song and painting the roses.. well, red.

That was the scene from Disney's Alice in Wonderland. 
Just a brief thought, anyway. Moving on!

Oh yeah, there was also a duck pond at the Garden. So many ducks swimming about. Shu Run told me something about these ducks, not being meant to be eaten. Couldn't help but to laugh because I was quite distracted (and a bit scared) by how noisy those ducks got when a few of them were fighting and she was talking about eating duck! 

Then again, who doesn't love a good plate of Duck Rice? ;) Only in KL. Oh, I miss Malaysian food.

It's another study break at the moment. So if you want to go for a walk or look at roses, this would be a nice place. Not in the rain though, it's been raining alot lately. Shall post on recent updates soon as I have the time!

 Ashley Mah

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