
Catching up..

It's been awhile!

Finally, some time to sit and blab about things going on with me recently, apart from events, parties and such. Like I've mentioned, I just moved houses. So everything is cluttered everywhere! It's been 2 weeks plus living in my new place, and I really love this house.

Well, a fresh start is always good, I suppose. :)

Well here's me & Kim at the house for the first time.

A few pics of how the new place looks like, when it was empty.

And what's left of the old place ; clutter, rubbish, etc. Buang semua~

Still taking time to settle down. I really love this new neighborhood. It's safe with security guards doing roundings every now and then. And it has the loveliest park too. It's even safe to take a walk there at night as there are lights and security guards.

I also finally have my own room, so I can decorate it however the heck I want~!

Okay so other than that, I just got back from watching The Vow.

Pretty awesome movie, I'd say. It was so romantic and I went there with the right person, at the right time. *wink*

I'm not usually a huge fan of Channing Tatum, but he was quite adorable in this movie. And I also realized that he has really cute teeth. Haha!

Here's the trailer to get all you girls (and guys.. don't pretend you don't like it) excited! ~

I liked the story, it wasn't too slow or boring. It was quite dramatic though, and could have been better if it was longer (cos I was enjoying it so much). Personally think Rachel McAdams look better a brunette.

Ratings : 9/10

Would watch it again. Not one of my usual favorites because there was no violence or action, but this one is a must watch! It made my night.

Ps. Stay tuned to see what went on during the Johnnie Walker Black Circuit Lounge night!

 Ashley Mah

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