
CF 2011

 Comic Fiesta 2011 finally happened!

It was held in KL Convention Centre on both the 17th & 18th of December. Let me tell you, the first day of Comic Fiesta was cuh-ray-ZAYY. The response for this year's event was so awesome, the line for tickets was so long till it reached Jalan Pinang.

I was reading the live tweets regarding the event and receiving messages from my friends who've been lining up for hours just to get a ticket! The horror....

I wasn't there for the first day though. Despite all the chaos, cosplayers had fun as well. Received texts from friends saying that it's worth the long queue and wait. So I was still pretty excited for the next day.

So this was me on the second day.

I went as Babydoll from Suckerpunch.

Kim went as the Mad Hatter from Alice In Wonderland.

Hubert as our very much loved Russian Soldier with the gas mask. He had loads of pictures taken that day!

Judging by the amount of people behind me, yes, it was really CROWDED.

Tadah~ A room full of cosplayers!

Some more cosplayer. A very colourful intriguing group of SailorMoon cosplayers.

One of our Nerfers, Ethan on the right in his army suit. His first cosplay! :) And Kim & I got to bully him and Hubert. Made them carry us. Seemed to get alot of people's attention too.

Babydoll being flirty got alot of pictures taken as well.

It was so awkward trying to be flirty with Hubert cos he had the "WTF" face behind his mask. Made me want to crack up while in the middle of taking pictures!

A friend of mine being Domo-kun for the day. So damned adorable!

Super heroes wtf. It was pretty damn cool having a whole group cosplaying together super heroes rather than Anime characters!

May was there as well as Nick! :)

After a few hours, my energy level just dropped and I had to leave although I really wanted to stay longer. But the crowd in KLCC would just make your head pound. The escalators were so full of people and it was so difficult to find a place to sit at the cafeteria.

I was like...

...and left with Mr.B, Jason, Kim, Hubert and Gilbert.

It was my first time wearing a wig. And I took 1 1/2 hours to get ready.. But it was well worth my time! :) Everything went well. Cosplays are always fun!! Definitely looking forward to Comic Fiesta 2012.

See? Comic Fiestas are fun every year.

Perhaps I should go as something else next year! :) It's super early to think of that now, but I have friends who are already starting their plans for the next CF!

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